For our customers

Fostering a climate of trust

Stereau establishes a partnership relationship based on trust and a clear and shared vision of objectives with the various stakeholders of a project.

With our customers, this trust encourage understanding and consideration of their specific expectations. Through ongoing dialogue, local communities are ensured to remain in control of their project at every stage of its implementation. We draw on the expertise of multidisciplinary teams to find and implement effective, optimized solutions. As a result, our clients benefit from a high level of expertise in all areas required by their project.

With our industry partners, our teams can rely on external service providers who specialize in a related and essential field for the completion of a project (architects, technical experts, etc.). These partners are carefully selected based on their technical and financial capacity to master the tasks assigned to them. They are managed by the Stereau project manager, who serves as the client's single point of contact for maximum efficiency and convenience in work.

With local stakeholders, we engage in multiple ways: supporting local economic activity through purchasing and assistance, creating jobs and developing skills, and promoting professional integration. These are all areas where we prioritize synergies with local actors.

a recognized asset

Stereau has specific means to manage and secure, step by step, the achievement of objectives for its clients at each stage of a project, while also concretely measuring the results. The implemented measures in terms of service provision, responsibility, quality, and technological performance aim to achieve a dual client objective:

  • building turnkey facilities with the best production and operational costs,
  • embracing a forward-looking approach through innovative technologies and active management of social and societal responsibility.

Remaining constantly vigilant about the best market practices, Stereau is a member of Synteau, the Water Treatment Syndicate.

Works to the highest standards

ISO 9001


ISO 45001

Health and Safety 

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