Stereau improves access to water for all on Reunion Island


Pumping equipment Reservoir 13 - Reunion Island - Stereau Réunion

Following a press conference organized by CASUD on February 13, the new Saint-Joseph pumping station was inaugurated in the presence of Jacquet Hoarau, Jeannot Lebon and Alin Guezello, vice-presidents of the Communauté d’Agglomération Sud de la Réunion. Stereau Réunion’s teams were proud to inaugurate a committed project to improve access to drinking water in the La Crête area.

With a gravity-fed water supply from the Galerie de Grand Galet, this sector has until now had insufficient water in times of drought. Stereau’s work to equip the pumping station at reservoir 13 in the commune of Saint-Joseph has made it possible to secure and boost the filling of storage reservoir R14, improving the availability of drinking water for the 4,000 inhabitants of this sector.

With the start-up of this pumped drinking water delivery system from Reservoir 13 to Reservoir 14, the volume of water distributed to residents in the Crête sector has tripled.

A project that positions Stereau as a trusted partner to continue improving water supply on the island. Thank you to CASUD, its representatives and our partners for their confidence!

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