Pont Ar Bled plant: a major water project for North Finistère gets underway


Le chantier de l'usine d'eau potable de Brest Pont Ar Bled démarre

On Thursday February 13, we were in Plouédern, in the Pays de Landerneau-Daoulas region, alongside Eau du Ponant SPL, Brest Métropole, elected representatives and our partners, to lay the foundation stone for the reconstruction of the Pont Ar Bled drinking water production plant, a project that will provide a structure for the region.

The Pont Ar Bled plant is a key link in North Finistère’s water supply system, ensuring the supply of 310,000 inhabitants and guaranteeing hydraulic security in the event of drought or failure of another facility. After more than 100 years in business, the company is undergoing a facelift to deliver performance, resilience and water quality, while integrating innovative, environmentally-friendly solutions.

To improve treatment, the plant adopts CarboPlus® Poudre technology for the elimination of micropollutants (pesticides, drug residues, etc.), and replaces aluminum salts with iron chloride, which is more effective and residue-free. Resource management is also optimized with Filtralite® technology, which reduces water consumption, and the recycling of filter washing water. Operations will be more flexible and secure thanks to three treatment lines and two new 35,000 m³ raw water reserves, offering 24 hours of autonomy in the event of an emergency.

This new plant illustrates our engineering and project management expertise in designing more sober, resilient and efficient infrastructures. Adapted to climatic and regulatory challenges, it reflects our commitment to sustainable water management and the strength of the collective.

This new plant illustrates our engineering and project management expertise in designing more sober, resilient and efficient infrastructures. Adapted to climatic and regulatory challenges, it testifies to our commitment to sustainable water management and to the strength of the collective.

"Adaptable and anticipating regulatory changes, the Croix-Cholin plant implements a particularly innovative multi-barrier treatment process. At each stage of treatment, technical and environmental solutions have been proposed to optimize its performance."
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