Guillaume Garnier,
Electrical and Automation Engineer on a work-study program

At 21, Guillaume is passionate about techniques and new technologies. After graduating with a STI2D baccalaureate specializing in energy and the environment, he spent a year studying at the @Institut universitaire de technologie de Cachan Université Paris-Saclay. Computer science was too important a part of this curriculum, so he changed direction and obtained a BTS in electrical engineering. He is currently preparing an engineering degree in Energy Transition Engineering at the Paris Sud ESME engineering school in Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne).
Guillaume works in Stereau’s Engineering Department, mainly in the fields of equipment and calculations. He designs and produces tools for sizing electrical equipment for water treatment plants. He also has the opportunity to work on PLC addressing. Guillaume particularly appreciates the richness of teamwork, the confidence he is given to move forward independently, and the critical thinking skills that his more experienced team-mates pass on to him, leading him to ask the right questions and find the most reliable solutions best suited to customer requirements.
For him, Stereau is a company that looks to the future and transforms itself by adapting to its environment. “Innovation helps to control plant operating costs: less energy consumed, more efficient, they also become more profitable.”